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Baker Faculty Conference

Thursday, Nov. 9th, 2023 | 5:30 - 8:30 pm CST | Free & Virtual

Trends in eLearning

Shaking Hands

Meet your peers from across Baker University

Online Shopping from Home

Learn about modern trends in eLearning from practicing faculty


Network with instructors across a variety of industries





Icebreaker & Networking


Breakout Session 1


Breakout Session 2


Breakout Session 3


Closing Remarks

College Students

Digital Discourse: Elevating Online Teaching through Scenarios and Cases

In this session, we'll explore practical strategies for integrating real-world scenarios and case studies to support active learning and student engagement. Attendees will gain valuable tools and insights to create discussion plans, employ active listening and questioning techniques, and foster meaningful student interactions with case material. We'll also spotlight innovative ways for students to visually share their reasoning and application of concepts through mental maps or models in discussion forums, providing a transparent view of their thought process for a richer, more nuanced learning experience.
Dr. Wendy Gentry
College Students

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Tools for Teachers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the buzz in 2023. In this session you will be introduced to AI and how it can assist you in creating course materials, student feedback, communications, rubrics, and more.
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Marcia Jeans

Connecting With and Engaging Students in eLearning

This presentation will draw on relevant theories in adult education and psychology, and will provide practical tips and best practices for connecting with and engaging adult learners in eLearning, and will provide illustrations for use in synchronous and asynchronous provision. 
Dr. Andrea Lynch
Students on Stairs
Dr. Tracy Russo

A Picture of a Problem is Worth 1,000 Discussion Points

Ever have something break or go wrong, snap a pic, and share it to get help fixing it (or sympathy)? Google YouTube for a tutorial only to find it was missing information and key steps? Leveraging the power of images to improve students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills is an easy way to bring online discussion boards to life. Images can bring authenticity and relevance to the learning process words alone cannot. As a bonus, images allow students to connect their reality with classroom concepts and each other. In this session, easy-to-implement strategies for engaging students in meaningful discourse and critical thinking through using images in any discipline or modality will be shared and discussed.
College Lecture
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Steven Hilburn, JD

Controlled Chaos: Classroom Gamification

This presentation focuses on the use of role-playing game (RPG) mechanics in a “Negotiation and Conflict-Resolution” (MGT485) course.  It looks at how the use of a role-playing scenario allows students to have a “stake” in learning negotiation and conflict-resolution techniques, while also providing them a forum in which to use those techniques with their classmates. While sometimes chaotic, the RPG element allows students to experience the consequences (both good and bad) of their actions within the scenario, encouraging them to learn from mistakes and reinforcing wide-ranging negotiation strategies.
Traditional Library

Deepening Student Connections with eJournals: Building Relationships One Entry at a Time

As online learning continues to transform and expand, the need for genuine, one-on-one instructor-student interaction has never been more critical. eJournals are a powerful way to foster meaningful connections and continuous dialogue between faculty and students. In this session, we will:

Get acquainted with eJournals, how they work, and the advantages they bring to the virtual learning environment.

Explore the benefits of using eJournals as a medium for tailored interactions with each student. Understand how consistent communication through eJournals can build trust, mutual respect, and a deeper understanding between educators and their students.

Discover the profound effects of encouraging students to engage in reflective thinking, helping them internalize and apply their learnings more effectively.
Round Library

Mental Health: Taking Care of Ourselves, Our Students, and Each Other

Society and higher education are in the midst of a mental health crisis. As adult educators, not licensed mental health providers, we may feel hesitant or ill-equipped to step into the mental health arena. Research indicates there are not enough mental health providers to go around, resulting in a substantial unmet need for students in higher education (Lederer et al., 2021). Given the enormity of the crisis, our adult learners need us to step up. We can play an important role in normalizing conversations about mental health, reducing stigma, and creating a supporting and understanding learning environment. So, let’s have a discussion here and now, in this session. How can we help? What can we do? Bring your ideas…
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Cheryl Zelle
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